Earth Bound has created several exhibits focusing on the culture and artistry of indigenous cultures in Latin America.
Trading Traditions
Continuity, Innovation, and Resource Use Among the Ye’kwana and Ayoreo Cultures
Grinter Gallery, University of Florida 2012
With 3 days of weaving and carving events at
the Florida Museum of Natural History
Gainesville, Florida
A small museum/gallery exhibit that explores the rich basket and fiber weaving traditions of the Ye’kwana of Venezuela and Ayoreo of Bolivia. Each has intimate knowledge of the plant resources required for subsistence and survival. The plants they use fulfill a functional, ceremonial, and spiritual role within two different ecological zones of South America. The Ye’kwana occupy a lush tropical lowland forest. The Ayoreo originally inhabited the dry Gran Chaco of Bolivia. Migration and re-settlement have influenced the weaving traditions as the women developed new and innovative products as a means of cultural and economic survival.*
Through our years of working with the public, it has become apparent that people are interested in
learning more about, and interacting with, artisans of other cultures. We will continue to create small museum/gallery exhibits that allow visitors and students to experience the artistry present in other cultures, and where possible incorporate visits by skilled artisans. These exhibits will be designed with an inherent flexibility that would allow for venues of different sizes, including galleries, stores, libraries, accompanied by online editions.
*This small exhibit is available for rent, along with products for display and sale suitable for libraries, museums, and galleries. Please contact us to receive an exhibit brochure and availability.
Maya visitor Celerina teaching at FLMNH
Earth Bound Team at Florida Museum activities
Ye'kwana visitor Simon Caura and shaman's stool
Ye'kwana Aurora sharing basket weaving tips
Event at FLMNH during Trading Traditions Exhibit
Cross-cultural event at Florida Museum NH