Ye’kwana populations of The Caura River, and their two cooperatives, Kanwasumi and Medewa who generously shared their customs and forest homes with us, especially Aurora Rodriguez, a Ye’kwana woman of stature who first reached out to us, and from whom all other activities followed.
Our Board Members
Wendy Townsend, whose extraordinaray knowledge of indigenous culture and their resource use allowed us to effectively work with the Ye’kwana of Venezuela for the past 18 years—especially through on-site workshops. Brenda Nims, whose business acumen assisted in every aspect of planning and led us to the best markets in the U.S.
Phil Smith, One World Projects, who graciously gave us space in his New York Gift Show booth on many occasions.
Ines Hinojosa, Bolivian Ethnobotanist the organizer of the Ayoreo project in Bolivia, and advisor in many topics.
Consultants, Friends, and Volunteers
Ken McMurry, Consultant and designer of Trading Traditions Exhibit
Susan Milbrath, Co-curator of Living Maya and Trading Traditions Exhibits
Amy Penfield, Carlton Pomeroy, and Byron Real, volunteered in Venezuela while working on their own Ph.d. projects. Their activities helped maintain critical connections to Earth Bound objectives. Also, their insights and research related to their specific study areas (Anthropological, Ecological and Legal) provided valuable information about the Ye’kwana.
Erica Carlsson, volunteer and student, whose Masters Thesis working in the community of Santa Maria de Erebato added considerable new information about harvesting practices of the Ye’kwana women.
Ingo Moosmuller, whose friendship and assistance has allowed us to continue to communicate with Ye’kwana women in spite of the Failed State of Venezuela and complete lack of services and constraints of COVID19.
Dyan Summers, Healthshare International (a Health NGO) invited Earth Bound to accompany them to the Caura River in 2000, that was the beginning of our project 19 year project with the Ye'kwana.

Most photographs were taken by Laurie Wilkins, a few exceptions as follow:
Ye’kwana: Erica Carlsson, Nick Day, David M. Guss, Wendy Townsend
Ayoreo: Ines Hinojosa, Enrique Uzquiano Pérez
Zenu: Magno Caterino Mahecha Lopez
Photographs of the women ofTsobol Ansetik: copywrite Dr. James L. Castner
"We are Earthbound" film produced by students of the Social Entrepreneur Program, Business School,University of Florida, Gainesville.
"Preserving a Culture - Ye'kwana Basketry" film by Katie Schuler, Isopod Productions
Website design and development:
Rommy Sobrado-Torrico, Visual Artist
NÓMADA Graphics & Multimedia,
Raine Donohue, Sustainable Development Practitioner; Earth Bound Inc. Intern, Summer 2020